As of today, the LiquidO consortium consists of more than 70 scientists in 22 academic institutions (universities and/or laboratories) in over 10 countries mainly in Europe but also in the Americas and Asia. The consortium is led by Dr A. Cabrera (CNRS/IN2P3) and Prof. F.Suekane (Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan), as spokespersons. You may contact the consortium and/or spokesperson for scientific reasons.

The consortium constitution is found below, including key leading scientists, such as spokespersons, detector and physics coordinators, of many neutrinos fundamental research experiments such as (alphabetically): ANAIS, Borexino, Chooz, Cuore, Daya Bay, Double Chooz, IGEX, MINOS, NOvA, OPERA, Proto-DUNE, T2K, SNO, SNO+, SOLid, STEREO, SuperKamiokande, and SuperNemo as well as future experiments such as AIXO, DUNE, JUNO and HyperKamiokande.

While not directly a member, the Électricité de France (EDF) has direct scientific participation and contributions to some of the LiquidO-based projects. Moreover, EDF provides key support via the most powerful European experimental site for neutrino research and innovation at the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant, where the CNRS’ LNCA neutrino underground laboratory is located. This is the same site-context where the past the CHOOZ (data-taking in 1995-1999) and Double Chooz (data-taking in 2011-2018) experiments took place.